(or the Banana Show)

an online exhibition




This is an exhibition that is seemingly about the banana but is in actuality an exploration of different interpretations of art and related assumptions about standards.

An open call was put out in April and closed in June for artworks done in any style and form, so long as it responded to the banana. The works range in form from:

  • The stand-alone works - like “classical” paintings, drawings (Kim Hyesu, Koh Junwee, Jessie Lim, Marla Bendini, Saiful Abu Bakar), photographs of things or performance or composites (Izzati Faisal, Yang Junwei, Ong Xiaoyun, mei), and other forms of digital presentations like videos (Anonymous, Joey.spl), audio (Lynx Ng), and writings (Benedict Lim).

  • To series of artworks (Oanh on Art, Muhammad Iwan Himawan), to images/materials that make up zines or books (Kozue, Finch S.) and even a self-contained online exhibition (Lija Markus).

30 artists submitted at least 32 artworks (depending on how they might be defined) and all were considered and are presented.

There was also an accompanying open call for curatorial collaboration. This curatorial approach logically follows from the premise about diverse interpretations of the works. Eventually 10 persons, from different backgrounds and experience level, agreed to take part. It was then designed that each curator would be free to propose their curatorial take on the artworks, presented as a self-contained online exhibition(s), or take part in others’ collaboratively. In other words, multiple, concurrent narratives could be presented. These narratives may overlap or intersect, or they may not.

Befittingly, this project thus experiments with some advantages of the online presentation format. Not with coding sophistry and multimedia fireworks, but the fundamentals of the online format, for instance, by simultaneously repeating presentations of some works, or web-links that allow for rhizomic, circular, non-linear dynamicism. Procedurally, as well, since editing online is relatively easy and cheap compared to print, the process and timeline for the project is also not strictly linear, and allows for a more experimental approach.

These are echoed in the range of artworks, more so with their conceptual content, but for ease of reference and illustration, at least in their forms as explicated above… which posits, in case it is still not quite obvious, that altogether, there are multiple “mise-en-abyme things” going on, and that perhaps, this (these) exhibition(s) and website(s) are “artworks” as well.

We invite you to observe the intricacies that lie between the conceptions and meta-connections, and most of all, to make and share your own interpretations.



Please click on images or titles to access galleries. Listed in ascending date of almost completion.

Artworks by:
Barbarianflower, In(ter)dependent Studies, Joey.spl, Lee Ju-Lyn, Jessie Lim, Marla Bendini, Mei, Lynx Ng, Oanh with Art, Ong Xiao Yun, and Simbaro.

Curation by: Jennifer Teo

Artworks by:
Almostasthma, Anonymous, Art R'eev, Asher Yeo, Barbarianflower, Benedict Lim, Celeste TJM, Finch S, In(ter)dependent Studies, Izzati Faisal, Jessie Lim, Joey.spl, Jun Wee, Kim Hyesu, Kozue Yamamoto, Lee Ju-Lyn, Liza (Lija) Markus, Lynx Ng, Marla Bendini, meekfreak, Mei, Muhammad Iwan Himawan, Oanh with Art, Ong Xiao Yun, Raihan Zainal, Saiful Abu Bakar, Sam, Simbaro, Stephanie Chia, and Yang Junwei

Curation by:
Akai Chew, artnvoid, Anathapindika Dai, Isaac Benjamin, Jennifer Teo, Lee Ju-Lyn, Liza (Lija) Markus, Ratna, Shuxia, Stephanie Jaina Chia

Artworks by:
Almostasthma, Anonymous, Art R'eev, Awkward, Benedict Lim, Celeste TJM, In(ter)dependent Studies, Izzati Faisal, Jessie Lim, Joey.spl, Kim Hyesu, Kozue Yamamoto, Lee Ju-Lyn, Lynx Ng, Marla Bendini, meekfreak, Oanh with Art, Raihan Zainal, Sam, Stephanie Chia, Tororo.aoi, and Yang Junwei.

Curation by:
T. Shuxia and Stephanie Chia

Artworks and curation by:
Liza (Lija) Markus

Artworks by:
Lynx Ng, Lee Ju-Lyn, Liza (Lija) Markus, and Simbaro

Curation by:

Artworks by:
Almostasthma, Anonymous, Art R’eev, Barbarianflower, Benedict Lim, Celeste TJM, Hyesu, Interdependent studies, Jessie Lim, Joey, Jun Wee, Kozue, Lee Ju-lyn, Liza (Lija) Markus, Lynx Ng, Marla Bendini, Meekfreak, Mei, Sam, Simbaro, Stephanie Chia, Tororo.aoi, Yang Junwei

Curation by:


After thoughts and better ideas

What are your thoughts on the artworks, exhibition(s), curations, or project as a whole?
Any ideas on what else could have been done?

Later Essay

Bananas as symbolisms of heterotopias in the contemporary Potemkin City of Singapore: Essay by Akai Chew

Later Artwork inspired the show

We’d like to hear from you…
Especially if you are taking part as an artist or a curator here.
Particularly if you’re a visiting artist or curator not part of this project.
Even more so if you’re just visiting and/or not even familiar with the arts or culture.

Share your comments with us and read others’ here.




This section puts together
some frontend and backend materials
to share about the process.

Front matter


Open call

Read our original open call for artwork and curatorial collaboration.

There were three accompanying write-ups, ideas seeding and evolving with this project, for those who curious for more details. 

Curatorial statement:
Better Late Than Never

Amidst the turbulence of world events in the closing month of 2019, a burst of laughter could be heard from Art Basel, Miami Beach. At the center of this cause célèbre? The conceptual art piece, Comedian (2019) by the satirical Italian artist, Maurizo Cattelan…

Bohemian Bananas
(Pre-exhibition Premises)

A few years ago, a bunch of us sat around talking about doing a group show, as artists do sometimes. We all had different styles and research interests and were discussing how our works might seem cohesive together.
But did our show really need to be cohesive? 
In this postmodernist anarchical state of the arts*, is cohesion even relevant? We couldn't agree on this…

Curatorial takes

[10:07 PM, 4/12/2020] meekfreak: Did you see this invitation to curate together not.
[10:23 PM, 4/12/2020] Isaac Ng NTU Adm: I saw! Right now I'm thinking of making work for the banana tho
[10:23 PM, 4/12/2020] Isaac Ng NTU Adm: Rather than a Curation
[10:23 PM, 4/12/2020] meekfreak: Yah ok think of both…

This project is associated with the Artists Caravan, and In(ter)dependent Studies, C3 Curatorial.
Thanks for your support and participation.


Middle matter


Planning materials and some attempts at getting organised - insights to the ongoing process

Artists and artworks

This is a list of artists and the artworks compiled by Anathapindika Dai. While seemingly administrative, it actually has a profound impact on how the works were accessed by the curators, e.g. alphabetically.

In a bid to streamline the submission process, we did not collect artists’ bio, but many of them provided links to their websites anyway.


An introduction of all the curators involved.


Initiated by Anathapindika Dai and populated by Lee Ju-Lyn, this was an attempt at forward planning until the actually unfolding/organic process overwrote the proposal.

Nevertheless, this might lend some insight to the planning process.


Final final matter…


Even final final digital anything are never quite final final.

After thoughts and better ideas

Ideas, comments, feedback… after all it’s about free interpretation.

Publicity materials

Click on the images to download and generously share on social media etc. You could also take selfies with your screen or screenshot etc.

Wide Open Space is also on IG and FB so do connect with us thanks!

Media release

About Better Late than Never, how it is as an online exhibitions, and independent art initiatives. Read and release it on your media please.
